Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Friday blog post and announcements

This week, I opened up the blog post to class vote or write-in. We had a write-in, which got the majority of votes, so this Friday, please answer the question:

How did you pick your major?

Anyone who picked it due to mystical creatures, apparitions, or epic quests wins for the week. Everyone, regardless of paranormal intervention, should remember your PRIORS guidelines.

If you missed it, here are some recent announcements:
-Deadline for your paper has been extended to Wednesday, Nov. 13
-If you would like to include a page of photos or any appendix-like material, that's awesome, but your writing still needs to be 2-4 pages.
-You do not need a works cited, but please use in-text citations properly (Purdue OWL is a great source.)
-I will be finalizing your grades-thus-far. By Sunday, you can check Canvas for an idea of where you stand.
-If you are in danger of failing, I will send you an email alerting you to the fact, suggesting that you talk to me, and outlining how you can bring your grade back up to passing by semester's end.

And on one final note, a friend of mine who knows I'm teaching Watchmen sent me a link to this comic. 

(Sadly my click function is in the process of breaking on my Macbook, so I can't give you a cleaner picture. Enjoy the edges of my desktop.)

If you click "next" there are a few more featuring some more familiar characters.

As always, contact me with questions and I'll see you Monday! 

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