First off, I read all the group justification blogs and the zines sound amazing! Your topics have a lot of spunk, variety and all of them sound like publications I am excited to read. I've emailed feedback to each group.
For the finishing bit, keep in mind:
-Visuals, including the cover(s). These have the potential to take more time than you think so don't underestimate them.
-The final product will be in black and white, so try not to have too many dark colors next to each other. They might blend together and look like a blob.
-Remember to leave a little bit of an edge (refer to your handout to see where my zine-ish work got cut off)
-I am happy to read over, look over or otherwise weigh in on anything as you work BUT...
-Be sure everything's done by your copy time!
We'll discuss final launch party plans and copy schedules on the Monday we come back from break, when I'll also hand back your graded final blog papers. YOUR LAST BLOG POST will be due Friday, December 6. In it, you will:
-Detail your visual and written contribution to the group zine
-Reflect on the process of creating those
-Justify your choices in writing and visual creation (what were your goals with what you created? Why did you make it look the way it did? How did you want the audience to think, react or feel? How did you work to do that successfully?)
-Explain how this fits in with your group's chosen theme and how your work specifically fits in with in the class overall
-Evaluate your performance, explaining what you liked and what you would do differently next time
This will be a separate grade, in addition to your blog participation and attendance points, which means that by completing this, you'll get a big boost in your final grade, but skipping it will hurt you immensely.
Finally, if you'd like to look at zine stuff for inspiration, Etsy's got a bunch, there is a zine wiki and Punk Planet was a big, big name in the Nirvana-era of zine-ing that's available through several libraries. And, of course, everyone's favorite Wikipedia has a nice, not-overwhelming history with lots of links.
Keep your eye on the prize and then you can channel Captain Mal as you facedown the semester:
P.S. If you'd like to check out a justification-type paper, the first blog I posted did a lot of similar justification work that you'll be doing next Friday.
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