rhetoric of
{Underground and
you a hipster?
Dick Hebdige
They Say, I Say
Select Firefly episodes
Internet memes, mashups, trends, blogs and videos
A word of warning
This course will be an extremely fast-paced, demanding
exploration of many fields of inquiry, including (but not necessarily limited
to): pop culture via television and film, music, Rrriot girl and grunge
movements of the 90s, Internet culture, the more recent DIY movement, Marxism,
feminism, genre theory, media studies, visual rhetorics and the politics of
Our overarching questions will be: How do we define what is
considered mainstream and what is considered underground/indie/cult? What power
structures are at play in such forms of media? And what are we to make of such
distinctions and structures, as both consumers and producers?
This section requires a lot of reading, writing, independent
nosing around, discussing and making. If you are able to keep up, however, you
will encounter and analyze a huge variety of texts that will forever enhance
(or ruin) your ability to read, watch or make anything in the future.
Major Assignments
Attendance 20
Weekly blog posts 30
Zine (created in class) 30
Final blog post 10
Rough drafts 10
Blog Posts
You will be required to create your own blog via Blogger, Wordpress, Tumblr or a similar platform.
It will need to be able to be publicly viewed and commented on (or,
alternatively, everyone in the class needs to be given permission to view and
comment on your blog.) You will be required to complete a substantive blog post
every week, defined as:
-Being about 300-600 words (or at least one page, single
-Demonstrate in-depth, critical thinking about the prompt,
class reading or discussions
-Work to define, further, complicate or create a
-Will engage the class to respond to your post
-Will incorporate elements common to an intertextual or
blogging genre: photos, links, videos and “outside sources”
You will also be required to participate online via
commenting on blog posts and respond to your classmates’ questions. Alternative
to blog posts, we may have online discussions in which you will need to reply
on one thread. Taken together, the blog
will be worth 30% of your grade, with the following breakdown:
-Writing required number
of posts: 10%
-Responding to required
prompts: 10%
-Responding to posts by classmates/participating in online discussions: 10%
Attendance and weekly
Each week, you will be required to write your own blog post
and respond to at least two classmates’ writings by Sunday night at 8 pm. This will be one-third of your attendance
grade in lieu of meeting for class on Friday. If this is not completed by the
Sunday deadline, you will be counted absent and you will lose points for number
of blog posts completed. If blog posts and discussions are not completed, we
will reinstate class on Fridays.
REMINDER: You will have the opportunity to make up three blog posts
with missed deadlines, however, your absences will remain absences. Keep in
mind: Your attendance grade has the ability to lower your overall grade by at
least one letter.
As a class, we will examine the genre of zines and their
goals. We will then determine a name and theme for our class zine. After this,
the class will split into committees. Each committee will be responsible for:
-Developing a sub-theme and sub-title for their issue
-Producing a zine including one written piece by each member
as well as visuals
-Writing a 1-3-pg justification paper, explaining your
naming, visual, and written choices as well as the group’s division of labor
All together, the
zine will be worth 30% of your final grade. But it will follow a breakdown
of discreet parts:
-Your own writing piece: 10%
-Participation in justification paper: 10%
-Completion of zine issue: 10%
Launch Party
When all the issues are in, we will have a class launch
party, in which copies of everyone’s zine will be distributed. The class will
also develop committees for planning this party, such as publicity (posters)
and refreshments. I will help each committee individually create multiple
copies of their zine prior to the launch party.
Final Blog Post
You will choose one of three prompts to write an in-depth
final blog post. Because there will be so many writing assignments throughout
the semester, this post is intended less as a final test of your writing skills
and more as an opportunity for you to produce a polished piece of writing,
engage in independent inquiry and apply the concepts we’ve discussed in class
to an artifact of your choosing. Prompts, grading breakdown and other
assignment requirements will be given to the class well in advance of the due
Important school-wide
Mon Sept. 2
No School
Tues Sept. 3
Last Day for drop/add
Tues Oct. 15
Last day to drop with a “W”
Mon Nov 25- Fri Nov 29
Thanksgiving break
Mon Dec 9 – Fri Dec 13
Finals Week
Rough production
First week in November
Final paper prompts handed out
Post-Thanksgiving Break
Class discussions for zines begin
Thanksgiving break – End of semester
In class: Zine production
Out-of-class: Final blog post writing
Fri Dec 6 (last day of class)
Final blog post due
Mon Dec 9 – Wed Dec 11
Launch party/Final (zine production
must be FULLY completed)
Other Stuff
The NMSU library defines plagiarism
as "using another person's work without acknowledgement, making it appear
to be one's own." Plagiarism and other acts of academic dishonesty will
result in serious consequences, such as failing the assignment, failing this
class, and/or being removed from NMSU. In addition, it is academically
dishonest to submit your own previously written work for a current assignment
or to submit an assignment in more than one class without the prior permission
of the instructors. The NMSU library plagiarism pages provide some basic
information and a tutorial at:
Students with Disabilities
Qualified students with
disabilities are to be provided with reasonable accommodation in accessing
buildings, programs, and services. Students who have or think they have a
disability are encouraged to contact Services for Students with Disabilities at
(575) 646-6840 or TDD/Text at (575) 646-1918. More information about NMSU's
services for students with disabilities can be found at
According to the NMSU Office
Institutional Equity website:
"New Mexico State University (NMSU) is dedicated to
non-discrimination and equal opportunity in education and employment in
compliance with state and federal laws which prohibit discrimination on the
basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, gender, gender identity,
sexual orientation, spousal affiliation, physical or mental disability, serious
medical condition, or veteran status. NMSU's dedication to non-discrimination
extends to recruitment, admissions, education, scholarships and other tuition
assistance, social and recreational programs, hiring, promotion, training and
other employee actions such as work assignments, compensation, benefits,
transfers, layoffs, and terminations. Additionally, NMSU's mandated affirmative
action plan is evidence of our dedication to excellence in everything we attempt
to accomplish."
Withdrawing from Class: Please
note that if you choose to withdraw from the course with a "W" (not a
letter grade), you are responsible for initiating the appropriate paperwork by
the date the university specifies. The instructor is not responsible for
ensuring that students who simply stop attending class are withdrawn, and the
English Department is not responsible for initiating withdrawals for students
with attendance problems. If you stop attending the class and do not withdraw,
you will fail the course. Refer to the NMSU Academic Calendar online for more
information about deadlines to withdraw from a course.
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